spolupráce representatives of South Moravian Region, Zlín Region, Olomouc Region and Moravian-Silesian Region on the Czech side, and by the representatives of Trnava Region, Trenčín Region, Bratislava Region, and Žilina Region on the Slovak sideadded



Cross-border cooperation

A document that confirms the interest in the cross-border cooperation on the development of the Baťa Canal was signed by the representatives of South Moravian Region, Zlín Region, Olomouc Region, and Moravian-Silesian Region on the Czech side, and by the representatives of Trnava Region, Trenčín Region, Bratislava Region, and Žilina Region on the Slovak side at the Regiontour Fair in Brno on 13 January 2011. “Dozens years ago, constructions were built which still make sense today, and the Baťa Canal is one such. It still connects Moravian and Slovak regions. We want to use its potential on both sides of the border, which is only imaginary these days, to develop tourism. We will request both governments, as a consequence of this regional governors´ initiative, to deal with the matters which have not been solved for many years and which block the development of the Baťa Canal. This is the major reason why we are signing this Declaration today. We believe that our meeting in Brno will help the Baťa Canal to develop,” Michal Hašek, South Moravian Regional Governor, emphasized at the charter signature. “On the Czech-Slovak border are many matters, mainly those of property character, which have not been resolved yet in connection with the Baťa Canal. Eight regions send a clear signal relating to the negotiations of corresponding inter-governmental border commissions, to the negotiations of both Ministries of Interior or Ministries of Foreign Affairs, that this is their priority and that they are interested in moving the Baťa Canal matters forward,” regional governor Hašek pointed out.


memorandum European Destination of Excellence



Announcement of EDEN 2011 in Pilsen




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